Male, anonymous, 56 years, The Netherlands

1 august 2018 started my shape shift experience.
The first 4 days I was very humorous. I almost didn’t recognize myself.
I realized this was my old role in my family. Like a lightning rod.
After this I became quiet. An observer. No judgement about things that were being said.
No longer I had the urge to steer the situation.
I am a rheuma-patient. Kay removed some of my acid in my muscles and joints.
I felt really at home at the clinic.
At home old patterns emerge. Due to the meditations I could make the right decisions.
The dentist told me today that I brushed my teeth very good. For the first time in 28 years.
I haven’t changed my brushpattern.

Male, anonymous, 56 years, The Netherlands
Seminar August 2018